Show visually-annotated card MIB2-004-008+354610i
Image Name: MIB2-004-008+354610i-2.tif
Image Scan Time: 2022-11-23 21:37:31
Scanned by Computer: runner-aq5886kc-project-348-concurrent-0
Scanner Model:
Scanner Serial:
Precinct Style Name: 004-008
Style ID: 82

County Council District 4
    Cheryl Renshaw (REPUBLICAN)
    Julie Hummer (DEMOCRATIC)
Judge of the Circuit Court Circuit 5
    Michael Edward Malone
Judge Stuart R. Berger, Court of Special Appeals ...
Judge Terrence M. R. Zic, Court of Special ...
Judge Laura S. Ripken, Court of Special Appeals ...
State's Attorney
    Anne Colt Leitess (DEMOCRATIC)
Clerk of the Circuit Court
    Terry R. Gilleland, Jr. (REPUBLICAN)
    Scott Poyer (DEMOCRATIC)
Register of Wills
    Lauren M. Parker (REPUBLICAN)
    Erica Griswold (DEMOCRATIC)
Judge of the Orphans'Court (Vote for 3)
    Maureen Carr-York (REPUBLICAN)
    Tony McConkey (REPUBLICAN)
    Nancy Phelps (REPUBLICAN)
    David Duba (DEMOCRATIC)
    Vickie Gipson (DEMOCRATIC)
    Marc Knapp (DEMOCRATIC)
    Jim Fredericks (REPUBLICAN)
    Everett Sesker (DEMOCRATIC)