Election Data
Election Phase scanning
Ballot type ESS2
Approx ballot image dimensions 8.5" x 17.0"
# Card styles 1184
# Contests 41
# Choices 132
# Parties 6
# Counter groups 5
# Precincts 296
# Precincts and card styles 1184

Ballot Scanning Operations
Scan date 2022-11-14
Tabulation date 2022-11-22
Tabulator software version 1.4.8 2022-11-23 04:38:30
# Scanners 1
# Boxes scanned 1470
# Precincts scanned 295 out of 296

# Cards automatically adjudicated 385,247
# Pages judged to be non-ballots 0
# Unreadable cards (0.16% rate) 632
# Pages scanned (ballots and non-ballots) 385,879

# Cards that are fully blank 5,908
Visual Resolution of Unreadable Cards
Unreadable card images needing resolution 0
Unreadable cards resolved & adjudicated 632
Unvotable unreadable cards (could be resolved by rescanning 0 boxes):
    Occluded or incomplete unreadable images 0
    Scanned unreadable images with multiple overlapping cards 0
Unreadable resolved as a non-ballot 0
Unreadable cards 632

Card Reconciliation
Comparison System
Total cards cast (paper & touch screen) 146,655
Cards cast on touch screens 0
Cards cast on paper 146,655

ClearBallot System
Cards automatically adjudicated 385,247
Initial tabulated card discrepancy +238,592

Adjustments to card count for Unreadables & Modifications
Unreadable cards +632
Cards resolved as a non-ballot 0
Cards (originally non-ballots) resolved as a ballot 0
Estimated additional cards in multiple overlapping cards 0
Adjustment to card count from visual resolution +632

Final Total Card Count 385,879

Total Card Discrepancy +239,224

Card Discrepancy Analysis
# Ballot MatchPoint discrepancies 1,465
# Ballot MatchPoints 1,480
Maximum Ballot MatchPoint discrepancy 0

© Clear Ballot Group, 2012-2021