Show visually-annotated card MIB1-001-016+644622i
Image Name: MIB1-001-016+644622i-2.tif
Image Scan Time: 2022-11-15 04:32:27
Scanned by Computer: runner-aq5886kc-project-348-concurrent-0
Scanner Model:
Scanner Serial:
Precinct Style Name: 001-016
Style ID: 16

State's Attorney
    James A. Haynes (REPUBLICAN)
    Scott Shellenberger (DEMOCRATIC)
Clerk of the Circuit Court
    Brian A. Campbell (REPUBLICAN)
    Julie Ensor (DEMOCRATIC)
Register of Wills
    Lauren Castro (REPUBLICAN)
    Alexis Burrell-Rohde (DEMOCRATIC)
Judge of the Orphans'Court (Vote for 3)
    William R. "Bill" Evans (DEMOCRATIC)
    Juliet Fisher (DEMOCRATIC)
    Arthur M. Frank (DEMOCRATIC)
    Andy Kuhl (REPUBLICAN)
    R. Jay Fisher (DEMOCRATIC)
Board of Education District 1
    Robin Harvey
    Cory Koons