Show visually-annotated card ED-008-006+39916i
Image Name: ED-008-006+39916i-1.tif
Image Scan Time: 2022-11-13 07:18:47
Scanned by Computer: runner-aq5886kc-project-348-concurrent-0
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Precinct Style Name: 008-006 [2]
Style ID: 16425

Board of Education At Large
    Michael "Mike" Lukas
    Letonya Smalls
Board of Education District 4 (Vote for 2)
    Andre R. Griggs, Jr.
    Yonelle Moore Lee
    Linda Warren
Question 1 Constitutional Amendment (Ch. 82 of ...
    For the Constitutional Amendment
    Against the Constitutional Amendment
Question 2 Constitutional Amendment (Ch. 808 of ...
    For the Constitutional Amendment
    Against the Constitutional Amendment
Question 3 Constitutional Amendment (Ch. 809 of ...
    For the Constitutional Amendment
    Against the Constitutional Amendment