Show visually-annotated card MIB1-006-002+84809i
Image Name: MIB1-006-002+84809i-1.tif
Image Scan Time: 2022-11-13 07:19:03
Scanned by Computer: runner-aq5886kc-project-348-concurrent-0
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Scanner Serial:
Precinct Style Name: 006-002 [2]
Style ID: 16395

Judge of the Orphans'Court (Vote for 3)
    Darlene M. Breck (DEMOCRATIC)
    Peter Murphy (DEMOCRATIC)
    Russell Yates (DEMOCRATIC)
    Troy Berry (DEMOCRATIC)
Board of Education At Large
    Michael "Mike" Lukas
    Letonya Smalls
Board of Education District 2 (Vote for 2)
    Julie Brown
    Jason I. Henry
    Jamila Smith
    Brenda L. Thomas
Question 1 Constitutional Amendment (Ch. 82 of ...
    For the Constitutional Amendment
    Against the Constitutional Amendment
Question 2 Constitutional Amendment (Ch. 808 of ...
    For the Constitutional Amendment
    Against the Constitutional Amendment