Show visually-annotated card EV-014-001+2031i
Image Name: EV-014-001+2031i-1.tif
Image Scan Time: 2022-11-13 02:03:21
Scanned by Computer: runner-aq5886kc-project-348-concurrent-0
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Precinct Style Name: 014-001
Style ID: -2162945

Governor / Lt. Governor
    Dan Cox/Gordana Schifanelli (REPUBLICAN)
    Wes Moore/Aruna Miller (DEMOCRATIC)
    David Lashar/Christiana Logansmith (LIBERTARIAN)
    Nancy Wallace/Patrick Elder (GREEN)
    David Harding/Cathy White (WORKING CLASS PARTY)
    Barry Glassman (REPUBLICAN)
    Brooke Elizabeth Lierman (DEMOCRATIC)
Attorney General
    Michael Anthony Peroutka (REPUBLICAN)
    Anthony G. Brown (DEMOCRATIC)
U.S. Senator
    Chris Chaffee (REPUBLICAN)
    Chris Van Hollen (DEMOCRATIC)
Representative in Congress District 1
    Andy Harris (REPUBLICAN)
    Heather R. Mizeur (DEMOCRATIC)
    Daniel Frank Thibeault (LIBERTARIAN)
State Senator District 37
    Johnny Mautz (REPUBLICAN)
    Naomi Hyman (DEMOCRATIC)
House of Delegates District 37B (Vote for 2)
    Christopher T. Adams (REPUBLICAN)
    Tom Hutchinson (REPUBLICAN)
    Susan E. Delean-Botkin (DEMOCRATIC)
County Council District 5
    Mike Detmer (REPUBLICAN)
    Zia Ashraf (DEMOCRATIC)
    David W. Beverley, 2nd (UNAFFILIATED)
Judge of the Circuit Court Circuit 1
    William H. Jones
Judge Stuart R. Berger, Court of Special Appeals ...
Judge Terrence M. R. Zic, Court of Special ...
State's Attorney
    Amanda Rae Leonard (REPUBLICAN)
Clerk of the Circuit Court
    Amy J. Craig (REPUBLICAN)
Register of Wills
    Carla Spear (REPUBLICAN)
    Terry Dayton Wheatley (DEMOCRATIC)
Judge of the Orphans'Court District 2 (Vote for 2)
    Bernie Dryden (REPUBLICAN)
    Rick Price (REPUBLICAN)
    Calvin Travers (DEMOCRATIC)
    James W. Phillips, Jr. (REPUBLICAN)
    LeRoi Robinson-Grant (DEMOCRATIC)
Question 1 Constitutional Amendment (Ch. 82 of ...
    For the Constitutional Amendment
    Against the Constitutional Amendment
Question 2 Constitutional Amendment (Ch. 808 of ...
    For the Constitutional Amendment
    Against the Constitutional Amendment
Question 3 Constitutional Amendment (Ch. 809 of ...
    For the Constitutional Amendment
    Against the Constitutional Amendment
Question 4 Constitutional Amendment (Ch. 45 of ...
    For the Constitutional Amendment
    Against the Constitutional Amendment
Question 5 Constitutional Amendment (Ch. 539 of ...
    For the Constitutional Amendment
    Against the Constitutional Amendment