Wicomico County, MD, 2024 General Election, 11/05/2024
Statement of Cards Cast with Precincts
Wicomico County, MD, 2024 General Election, 11/05/2024
Statement of Cards Cast with Precincts
# Boxes
Override Reported
Reflects the number of paper cards tabulated.
Includes: automatically tabulated ballots, manually examined & voted ballots, and ballots not yet voted.
Excludes non-votable ballots.
The number of paper cards cast in the election as reported by the comparison system. If a ballot is composed of only one card, this is equivalent to the number of ballots.
Votes on non-paper ballots have been subtracted.
Reflects the number of paper cards tabulated.
Includes: automatically tabulated ballots, manually examined & voted ballots, and ballots not yet voted.
Excludes non-votable ballots.
The difference in paper cards cast according to the comparison system and this system. If a ballot is composed of only one card, this is equivalent to the number of ballots.
More cards reported than images scanned.
Potential Causes (Detection / remedy):
1. Missing boxes - cards not presented to this system for scanning
(filter on card count = 0 & no CBG label on box and target at the bottom / scan box & affix label).
2. Operator error: did not scan the complete box.
More scanned cards than the number of paper cards reported by comparison system.
Potential Causes (Detection / remedy):
1. Operator error - cards were scanned more than once. (Rescan box).
2. Cards with physically damaged code channel that were not processed by the voting equipment yet are in the card population.
Votes not cast on paper ballots are subtracted out (e.g. touch screen votes)
The number of votes recorded for the choice.
Compares directly to the number of votes cast on paper according to the comparison system.
Includes automatically voted ballots and manually examined & voted ballots.
Does not include cards not yet tabulated and non-votable cards.
The difference in votes cast on paper according to the comparison system and according to this system.
Less than 0:
Fewer votes from images scanned during this tabulation than was reported by the comparison system.
The Difference as a percentage of Votes Cast according to the Comparison System
The number of votes received by the choice that were automatically tabulated plus votes from manually resolved ballots.
The number of ballots where the contest was over-voted, and this choice was one of those marked.
The number of ballots where the choice's vote target was empty and the number of votes tabulated for all choices in that contest was fewer than allowed by the voting rule.
In a contest with two choices, this is the same as a "blank voted" contest.
The number of ballots where this choice's vote target is empty, but the vote rule has been met by votes for other choices.